Suspendisse at libero porttitor nisi aliquet vulputate vitae at velit. Aliquam eget arcu magna, vel congue dui. Nunc auctor mauris tempor leo aliquam vel porta ante sodales. Nulla facilisi. In accumsan mattis odio vel luctus.
ILI is to conduct a tailor made training on the topic of Grant Management to Child Fund Ethiopia from July 22-24, 2015.
Trainees from Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research are to take training on the topic of Transformational Leadership in the Changing World, starting from August 12-14, 2015 for duration of three days.
Individual trainees interested in upgrading their knowledge on different areas will take their Project management training that is to be held from August 15-17 at ILI premises for duration of three days.
ILI provides quality education in areas of leadership, management and administration...